Sunday 15 March 2015


Grandma is 83 years old. Her hair is black after colour, skin wrinkled and all teeth are gone. But she is still strong and active, often arguing with my aunt and uncle over how to clean the house. 
When the age are going up, her healthy is become more weakly.
The one glaring symptom of her disease is that her memory is very bad. She cannot remember things or get them all mixed up. So she forgets where she has kept things and often will frantically search for them. As much as she cannot remember recent things, she can recall her younger days vividly. She rattles off the names of people she know then and get my name and other family members' wrong. She cannot remember whether she just had dinner but can remember an event that happened forty years ago......
Anyway, she was in our minds are most kindly, lovable's grandma. I love my grandma so much......


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